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Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Wider Support

During challenging times, it's important to know there's help and support available. Whether you're feeling lonely, need someone to talk to, or are worried about a young person's well-being, this list connects you with a variety of resources in our area. From confidential support lines to practical assistance with food, these organisations offer a helping hand to navigate difficult situations.


 Compassionate Neighbours are trained volunteers offering friendship and listening. The website gives information on worldwide compassionate action in the present coronavirus climate and ways to get in touch for connecting and friendship.


Samaritans Kingston - Phone: 116 123 - free from any phone or email jo@samaritans.org 24 hours Samaritans offer emotional support for anyone struggling to cope.


Family Lives has a free helpline that offers support and advice on any aspect of parenting and family life - they have volunteers working from home 9 am-9 pm Mon-Fri and 10 am-3 pm Sat/Sun 0808 800 2222. 


ChildLine - Comforts, advises and protects children 24 hours a day and offers free confidential counselling. Phone 0800 1111 (24 hours) Chat 1-2-1 with a counsellor online.


Kingston Foodbanks: 5 local sites offering food every weekday. Telephone 0208 391 1100.



Young Minds: online and telephone helpline support for anyone worried about the emotional well-being or mental health of a young person aged 0-25.