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Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Shared Language

A shared language around race and ethnicity is crucial for a school community to promote racial justice for a few key reasons:

  1. Clear Communication & Understanding: A common vocabulary ensures we are empowered with the correct vocabulary to engage in important conversations. Terms like "microaggression," "cultural appropriation," and "systemic racism" carry specific meanings. When everyone uses the same terms, discussions about race are clearer and more productive.

  2. Building Empathy & Respect: A shared language allows our community to discuss sensitive topics with respect. Using accurate terminology avoids offensive stereotypes and fosters empathy for those who experience racial discrimination.

  3. Identifying and Dismantling Racism: A common vocabulary helps identify racist behaviour and structures. When we recognise microaggression or unconscious bias for what they are, they can be addressed and dismantled, creating a more equitable environment.

  4. Empowering Students to Speak Up: Understanding some of these terms empowers students, especially those from marginalised backgrounds, to speak up about their experiences with racism. They can use the language to advocate for themselves and others.

  5. Creating a Unified Front: A shared language promotes a unified school community in tackling racial injustice. When everyone is "on the same page," it becomes easier to establish and enforce anti-racist policies and practices.

By adopting a shared language, we aim to foster open communication, build trust, and empower our community to work together for racial justice. The document below is in constant review. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the terms we have collectively defined.


shared language racial justice 3.pdf