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Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

School Uniform

We believe that a school uniform helps to give a sense of belonging to a community.

Our uniform can be bought from PMG Schoolwear shop located at 393-395 Hook Road, Chessington.

The OLI PTA also offers good quality second-hand school uniforms - please send an e-mail to our second-hand uniform co-ordinator on the email below:


with your requirements.  Packages will be prepared and will then be made available for collection from the school office.  Donations are appreciated but not obligatory.  If you would like to donate, you will be able to drop cash into the pot in the office or make an online donation using the link below:Donations

Our uniform is as follows:

  • White polo shirt with school logo
  • Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo
  • Grey trousers / grey pinafore dress / grey skirt
  • Grey socks / white socks / grey tights
  • Suitable flat-heeled black shoes (no trainers)

Optional summer uniform (Summer uniform can be worn after Easter and until the October half term.)

  • Grey shorts and white polo shirt with school logo
  • Royal blue and white checked dress
  • Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo

General points

  • Hair should be tied up if below shoulder length.
  • Children should not have designs shaved into their hair.
  • Blue, black or white hair accessories are to be worn. Alice hair bands with ‘teeth’ are to be removed when participating in a PE lesson.
  • Nail varnish and make-up are not allowed.
  • Jewellery should not be worn to school; if earrings are necessary, they should be small, simple studs and these must be covered with tape for PE lessons.
  • Please mark all clothing and equipment brought to school. This includes all school and PE kits, lunch boxes, drink containers, musical instruments and medicines.

The school/governors cannot be held responsible for the loss of or damage to any personal property brought onto the premises.

As part of our Healthy School’s policy, all the children must take part in their PE lessons weekly. 

The requirements for the PE kit 

Please ensure that your child wears the appropriate kit in school on the days required. If a child hasn’t got the required kit on three occasions the class teacher will inform the parents.

  • Plimsolls for indoor P.E. - at Key Stage 2, trainers are recommended for outdoor P.E.
  • Blue shorts
  • White school T-shirt, with the school logo
  • P.E. drawstring bag (any style or colour is permitted)
  • Socks (tights not to be worn as this is unhygienic)
  • Tracksuit bottoms (for when it is cold outside) blue or black
  • Children are not allowed to share P.E. kits (apart from siblings with parental permission)
  • Jewellery is not allowed, for safety reasons and children who have ear studs should remove these before coming to school or tape them over themselves before the lesson, using appropriate medical tape.

You will be advised of the day of your indoor/outdoor P.E. lesson by the Curriculum newsletter, sent out at the beginning of each term.