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Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Wellbeing Ambassadors

- Listening, Supporting and Sharing Strategies -

Our Wellbeing Ambassadors are pupils who have shown a real interest in championing positive mental health and wellbeing. They have a responsibility to lead and promote wellbeing throughout school. They offer vital peer-to-peer support for our pupils, promoting conversations about how to be mentally healthy and signposting adult support for those who need it. Children benefit from developing more positive relationships, an increased sense of belonging in their school or setting, increased confidence and resilience and improved wellbeing. The Wellbeing Ambassadors working towards this together by...

Attending training to develop their discussion and listening skills.

Learning how and when to signpost others to help available.

Assisting with wellbeing assemblies.

Here our Wellbeing Ambassadors held an assembly, introducing themselves, their role and the importance of looking after our mental health. They even provided practical top tips for how to empty your 'stress bucket'!

Attending Mental Health conferences.

On Thursday 9th November, five of our Year 6 Wellbeing Ambassadors attended the Primary Mental Health Conference held at Southborough High School. Alongside many other primary children from around the borough, they participated in activities designed to stimulate discussions around mental health and learned about ways in which we can help ourselves and others when we are struggling. Finally, they created an action plan for the Wellbeing Ambassadors at OLI which included training, leading an assembly, helping organise our Wellbeing Week and creating a noticeboard to spotlight our activities.