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Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Learning Principles

- Learning for Life: A Fun and Engaging Journey -

Our core Learning Principles foster a progressive and purposeful curriculum; a curriculum that ignites a passion for lifelong learning in our children by offering engaging, fun, and memorable experiences. By nurturing a love of learning, we prepare our students to embrace their future as considerate and loving members of society.

1. Faith provides the identity for the culture of learning.

We need the courage to witness a Catholic culture that is universal and establishes us as a community based on faith. We believe that this culture becomes a compass for our children to become members of society who are dedicated to patient listening, constructive dialogue and mutual understanding. We recognise and respect each individual as a unique child of God and understand our mission to nurture each child so they can fulfil their potential.

2. We have belief in all our children.

We believe in all our children and have high standards and ambition for all; we strive to make each child feel valued, included and secure. Children are aware of the purpose of their learning opportunities and focus on both the content and presentation, with a drive for improvement and high standards.

3. We recognise and develop the ‘whole child’

We prioritise wider aspects of personal growth and development including metacognition and growth mindset, wellbeing, emotional literacy and regulation. We understand that to be successful in life requires much more than knowledge and academic skills. We encourage self-awareness by empowering children to express their emotions appropriately to others and to regulate their own emotions effectively.

4. We prepare our children to be informed global citizens.

We embrace the diversity of our community and value the individual life experiences each child brings with them to their learning journey. By celebrating differences and encouraging a theme of togetherness, we provide learning opportunities that broaden the cultural capital of each child and prepare them collectively as mindful global citizens.

5. Our curriculum learning is underpinned by key knowledge and skills.

We focus on the teaching and learning of knowledge and skills. All children experience the same topics within a year group and build on developing understanding and skills. Regular reviews take place which enable children to strengthen the connections between prior and new knowledge and further support their learning.

6. Vocabulary is a key to success as a learner.

We aim to ensure the vocabulary of each child develops and grows as it is a key pillar of learning and central to our lessons. We aim for our children to be curious about ambitious vocabulary, providing opportunities for consolidation, and supporting greater understanding, fluency and thinking.

7. Engaging experiences enhance learning and enrich children’s lives.

We ensure that key skills are taught in all curriculum subjects and provide opportunities for these to be developed in a range of interesting contexts. Through our carefully planned enrichment activities, we build upon our children’s academic development and learning opportunities which create a sense of enjoyment. These experiences provide opportunities which further develop and enhance those provided by home.